Thursday, January 2, 2014

What a New Year Brings

I have a few goals for 2014. I wouldn't really call them New Year's resolutions, but there are some things I have been wanting to do or planning, and many of them are going to happen in 2014! Not all dollar store related, but I figured I might as well throw in a few person touches on this blog and it might transform a little along the way.

1. Run a 5K
I did a 5K fun run before, but I did no training, ran for about a mile or so and then felt like death walking the rest of it. I actually want to train for a 5K and run the whole thing. I've never been much of a runner. I basically hate running and have no desire to do it at all, but I need some sort of fitness goal, and if training for this gives me a goal, then I will get in better shape along the way. I also want to get back into Pilates, which I love. My husband is all for this one. He ran when he was in Middle and High School a little bit, and he definitely thinks we should get our butt off the couch a little more. We did a little running before the Christmas holidays, but now that the busy season is over, we can get back in gear.

2. The Daniel Fast
If you don't know what the Daniel Fast is, read more about it on the website, here:
It is basically vegan diet with even MORE restrictions. The idea comes from the book of Daniel in the Bible. To most people, this is a 21 day fast, but of course I have to be different. For me, this is to have more of a lifestyle change in my diet by eating only healthy foods for 4 out of 7 days a week. The plan is to eat vegan-extreme Tuesday - Friday and then unrestrict myself Saturday-Monday. That said, I'm not going to go crazy on the weekend just because I can. I simply know that if I did such a limited diet all the time, I would be more likely to cheat and give up than if I had some built in cheats. It will simply be a time to add in meat and bread, and is more convenient on days that I know I'll be eating out or eating with my husband's family (which we do every Monday).

Both of these first two goals I feel very spiritually convicted about. I've been a lazy, idle, and gluttonous person very often in my life, and it doesn't honor God. I feel a very real confirmation that this is from him and he is going to bless it. Hopefully that helps me keep going. As this is going on, I also plan to study the words of Jesus daily; really prayerfully consider the words he spoke, and what they mean for then and now.

3. Travel. lots of travel
The hubs and I want to take a big vacation before we have children, and we've decided on Italy. He's been there before (as well as pretty much all over Western Europe), but I've never been anywhere outside of North America. It's really exciting for me. We will go in the summer, since I teach. We know it's the busy season, but it can't be helped. Now that it's the year of the trip, we are going to start planning, and I'm really excited about that process.

I'm also going to be visiting Washington D.C. as a sponsor for a school trip. The awesome thing is, if 10 or more kids participate, I don't have to pay a cent for anything. I haven't been to D.C. in over 10 years, before their was a World War II memorial, so I'm really excited.

We have a tentative plan to visit Las Vegas over a long weekend during my Spring Break as a sort of anniversary/just for fun trip. We don't gamble, but I've been wanting to see Cirque du Solei's LOVE (their Beatles' show). Now that Britney Spears has a residency there, we might have to check that out, too.

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