A dollar store find I promised to review and sort of forgot about. My bad.
So not only did I try this and like it, I've already used it twice! Both times I used a lager type beer, although. I'm not sure it matters. I brought the bread to a dinner party each time, and everyone LOVED it. That said, I think the ingredient that makes people like it is the entire stick of butter it calls for. Can't argue with that.
Since trying the beer bread, I've spotted another Larry the Cable guy food product at Dollar Tree. However, it was beer fish batter, and since I never cook fish (It's not that I don't like it, but the smell....ehh) I've not purchased it. I think it would definitely be worth a try if I were to cook fish...
Since I'm a teacher, I'm going to use that as an explanation for why I've started this blog and abandoned it during the school year, but the Dollar Store is my best friend as a teacher, and I hope to share more about how I've utilized it this school year.
Posts about prize boxes, book storage, and carnival games coming soon!
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