Saturday, June 1, 2013

Confessions of a dollar store addict...

"Well, it's only a dollar!" I say once again, as I plop something I probably don't need in to my green shopping cart. (Green, to represent all the money I save!)

"I could buy that at the dollar store!" I declare, sneering at the price tag of something in Wal-Mart or Target (unless it's in that lovely bargain aisle, of course).

Yes, I'm a dollar store addict. I find excuses to go there just about once a week. 

I'll look around at the same stock time after time, just to make sure I didn't buy everything I wanted the first time. I do a mini happy dance when I see something new. I don't know what time of year it is until businesses that don't need price tags change their seasonal aisle.

I have no plans for reform. I teach at a Title I school, I was raised by parents with the superpower of thrift, and my husband and I regularly discuss our budget on date nights out. There is no hope for me.

What I hope to share here is all of my finds, try out some of those stranger products, and a few things I've learned about organization at home and in the classroom. (It's a big work in progress, folks...)

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